Latest Thinking
Here's our take on what works in training.

The Ingredients of a Memorable Live Training

Live training is, perhaps, what most people think of when they think “corporate training.” In fact, it’s only one training tool among many, but it does bring unique strengths to any training program.

Instructor-led training strengths include:

  • Face-to-face training with a personal touch
  • Real-time feedback from an expert facilitator
  • A controlled environment to minimize distractions
  • Group activities and discussions

If you’re thinking of setting up a live training for a segment of your organization, get the most out of your training investment by keeping the following considerations in mind.

Participants more easily embrace training when it is relevant to their specific jobs and responsibilities. A clear explanation of the training benefits (often called WIIFM, or “What’s In It For Me?”) helps adult learners buy into a training program.

Keep content focused on learning objectives — and respect participants’ prior knowledge. No one wants to sit through a class that covers material they already know, or that doesn’t apply to their job.

Good instructor-led training minimizes lecture. Experiential learning, in which participants engage in hands-on activities, has a much longer-lasting effect than simply listening to an instructor and taking notes.

Give students a chance to practice. Encourage attendees to lean into the training exercises without fear of punishment or “making mistakes.” With an expert facilitator acting as a guide, live-training participants learn and practice skills in a safe environment.

We can help.

Want to build a live training event for teams in your organization? We’ve been in the training and development space for over three decades. So, whatever your timeline or budget, we can help you make the most with what you’ve got.

Whatever your timeline or budget, we can help you make the most with what you’ve got.

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We’ve been in the training and development space for over three decades. So whatever your timeline or budget, we can help you make the most with what you’ve got.